One more time: Party!
It's summer, still and Nancy invited her entire lab over to her house for barbecue and swimming the pool!
Unfortunately, her pool had died a few days earlier due to pump problems, but the neighbours were so friendly to offer theirs instead. So there we were, swimmingm dinking beers, and waiting for Nancy's husband Tony, who's also a bio professor at Penn, to finish barbecueing chicken and burgers. I don't know what it is whith people from down under (Tony's from New Zealand), but their barbecue skills are SUPERIOR!
Here are some impressions:
Es ist immer noch Sommer, und Nancy hat ihr gesamtes Labor zur Sommer-Pool-Grill-Party eingeladen!
Leider ist die Pumpe ihres Pools ein paar Tage vorher ausgefallen, aber die Nachbard waren so freundlich, ihren Pool zur Verfügung zu stellen. Und da waren wir, kühle Biere genießend, schwimmen, und darauf warten, daß Tony, Nancys Mann, die Hühnerbrüste und selbstgemachten Burger fertiggrillt. Und Tony als echter Neuseeländer hat ein paar echte Grill-skillz. Impressionen? Bitte sehr!
Hm, too bad I can't handle direct sunlight.
Öfter in die Sonne? Oh Please!
Nan tells Nancy something funny...
Joonil, his daugther, Nan, and Nancy. The kids loved to pool the most!
Dad's taken hostage: "I saw a kitty cat!"
Papa wird als Geisel genommen: "Ich habe eine Katze gesehen!"
Zhenming plays some Ping Pong.
Tony's mad barbecue skills. Right: his daugther.
Lorena goes upside Lingbo's head.
Nancy's cool pool and awesome yard.
Everyone's enjoying the food!
The dessert table, hmmm.
The proud hosts.
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