Thursday, July 05, 2007

Ok, now that I am back home, it's time to make myself look human again:


Thanks to brave, brave Andrea at my hairdresser of choice.


Blogger Min said...

As they say - Hair today, gone tomorrow! :-) Nice hair cut! Hope you are doing well and that you are enjoying home :) Luise Skyped me the other day -- can't wait to see you both soon!

5:55 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Etwa DIE andrea? Weniger rebellious jetzt. Und weniger künstlerisch. Irgendwie auch schade, oder?

3:32 PM

Blogger Johnicus said...

Well, at least I know you're home and safe and all.
I don't think I've ever seen you with hair that short...looks nice.

12:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, if you can, get in touch with me. I miss you something awful.

5:09 PM


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