The Aftermath...
It's been a few months... My Master's Thesis is written, submitted, graded & approved, and I graduated.
I now hold an MSc in Biomedical Science (at least that's what I think I hold, since the document is in Latin and I don"t understand a darn word of it, even after 6 years of Latin in school!), we had an awesome if somewhat short celebration and drank beers.
Only thing for me to do now: Thank all the wonderful people involved:
My friends in Stockholm, Leiden, Kempen, and Philly (Jetze, Min, Guus, Aimee!!!),
the scientists: Nancy, Nan, the Bonini Lab, Hans, Jolanda, Peter and the Spaan Lab, Jan Sjovall and Karl Bodin,
the parents and brothers: mom & dad, Georg & Alex,
and my dear Luise.
You seriously rock, Mr. Fitzen :-D
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